Monday, September 27, 2010

Atomic Theory

1.)Who were the main characters in the development of the atom?

  • Democritus- Stated that all matter is composed of atoms, of small indestructible particles. The atoms themselves remain unchanged, but move about in space to combine in various ways to form all macroscopic objects. Early atomic theory stated that the characteristics of an object are determined by the shape of its atoms. So, for example, sweet things are made of smooth atoms, bitter things are made of sharp atoms.
  • John Dalton-Along with the original atomic theory, he stated that atoms of the same element are alike in weight and other properties and atoms of different elements are different in weight and other properties, that compounds are formed by the union or separation of definite numbers of atoms, and that atoms don't divide in chemical reactions, only whole atoms unite with other atoms. His version of the atomic theory is a theory due to the fact that it has been proved false.
  • J.J. Thomson- Discovered the electron during his explorations of the properties of cathode rays.

  • Ernest Rutherford- Discovered the proton by means of the gold foil experiment.

  • Neils Bohr- Stated that electrons moved around the nucleus and also absorbed radiation as they changed state.

  • Chadwhick- Discovered the neutron. Chadwick used scattering data to calculate the mass of this neutral particle.

  • Otto Hahn- Discovered nuclear fission where the nucleus of the atom breaks up into different nuclei.

2.)Why were they vital to the development of the atom?

All the scientist's individual contributions were key in the perfecting of the atomic theory. The original was proposed by Democritus and it was left for the rest to find errors in each others and prove other parts right in order to improve it.

3.)What made them different if anything?

Some of the theories were based on correction of others and the other ones were based on the individuals own ideas mixed with the prior scientists knowledge.

4.)Think about your lessons in history and discuss how the time period that they lived in determined the outcome of their discovery/ or how it influenced those individuals to be the names that we know today (aka did it matter where they grew up or if they had money?)

Most people would say that it would be easier for the scientist if he had more money an therefore better equiptment, but i believe that its based more on the intellegence of the individual and what they make of their own situation. Their ideas were probly not even accepted as soon as the discovered it and therefore they would not become wealthy from it.

5.)Why do we consider the atomic theory still a theory? What are the new developments- would love for you to share new sources here about what you find?

We consider it a theory due to the fact that half of it has been proved incorrect, such as that atoms are indivisible. The atomic bomb is based on the spliting of an atom.

6.)Why does it matter that we understand the structure of the atom?

To better understand the world we live in and how or why things happen, we need to understand atoms, which are the basic building blocks of all matter.

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