Monday, September 27, 2010

Beginning of Chemistry

1) Who were the main characters in the development of the atom? Why were they vital to the development of the atom? What made them different if anything?

Democritus: Greek scientist that atoms are indivisible particles that make up everything.

John Dalton:Formulated the atomic theory, which says that all matter is composed of tiny, indestructible particles called atoms. Also atoms of alike elements are the same and atoms of different elements are different.

J.J Thomson: discovered the electron. Developed the “plum-pudding” model of the atom.

Ernest Rutherford: stated that mass of the atom was located in the small positively charged center of the atom. discovered this through his gold-foil experiment.

Neils Bohr: He said that electrons move around the nucleus in large orbits like our solar system around the Sun.

Chadwick: Chadwick discovered neutrons.

Otto Hahn: He discovered nuclear fission, in which the nucleus breaks up into two separate nuclei. Hahn discovered this while he was experimenting with uranium.

2) Think about your lessons in history and discuss how the time period that they lived in determined the outcome of their discovery/ or how it influenced those individuals to be the names that we know today (aka did it matter where they grew up or if they had money?)

Time periods had a great influence on the discoveries and propositions of the different scientists. For instance Otto Hahn wouldn't have been experimenting with uranium to discover nuclear fission if his time period had not been working on the atomic bomb.
3) Why do we consider the atomic theory still a theory?

Only some of the theory has been proven, other parts of it are still a little sketchy.

4) Why does it matter that we understand the structure of the atom?

Our world is made up entirely of atoms. By understanding this, we can improve the elements we have here, and make our world better.

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